There are 11 sentences in The Babel Text
iēlte la anmārwi pa antaxōni ān tēna; iēlte la anmārwi pa antaxōni ān tēna CLMOD R N.CO R N.CO MOD once long ago LA world PA language only one Once long ago, the world had only one language. il ñatta jarēþa rūānnie il ñatta jamāesa japōññe sū jekiēn xīnār il aþ ñatta āke jamāramma; il ñ- atta jarēþa rūānnie CONJ R AFF N.SG LOC then NI 3PC.A journey from the east il ñ- atta jamāesa japōññe sū jekiēn xīnār CONJ R AFF N.SG N.SG PREP N.SG NAME then NI 3PC.A plain found at land il aþ ñ- atta āke jamāra- mma CONJ R AFF PN N.SG AFF then NI 3PC.A yonder home 3P While they were journeying from the East, they found a plain in the land Shinar and made there their home. ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jacālmi jajūti nā aþ te sāim nīkan jacālmi ñe jakīþi aþ te sāim nīkan ancēwri ñe anhērmi; ē t- eteñ ien CONJ R AFF REL and SE.PAST 3PC.REFL QUOT hēja ñ- anna jacālmi jajūti nā CLMOD R AFF N.PL N.PL MOD OPT NI 1PC.INCL.A brick baked many aþ te sāim nīkan jacālmi ñe jakīþi CONJ R PN PREP N.PL CONJ N.PL and LA.PAST 3PC with brick = stone aþ te sāim nīkan ancēwri ñe anhērmi CONJ R PN PREP N.CO CONJ N.CO and LA.PAST 3PC with mud = mortar And they said to each other: We should bake many bricks; and then they had bricks as stone and they had mud as mortar. ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr ja ñi jōl rā anīstīli; ē t- eteñ ien CONJ R AFF REL and SE.PAST 3PC.REFL QUOT hēja ñ- anna jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr CLMOD R AFF N.SG PREP N.SG OPT NI 1PC.INCL.A city with tower ja ñi jōl rā anīstīli REL R N.SG PREP N.CO that NI top to heavens And they said to each other: We should make a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens. ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna lewēra tō tūaþ wā ñi ñēim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa; ē t- eteñ ien CONJ R AFF REL and SE.PAST 3PC.REFL QUOT hēja ñ- anna lewēra CLMOD R AFF N.1P OPT NI 1PC.INCL.A name tō tūaþ wā ñi ñēim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa CONJ CLMOD R AFF N.AN.PL PREP N.CO MOD MOD so that NEG NI 1PC.INCL scattered to world among far And they said to each other: We should make our name so that we do not become scattered throughout the world. il aþ ñi λi ārōn rā āke tō sema mo sarōña jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr ja ōrra ñatta; il aþ ñi λi ārōn rā āke CONJ R PREP NAME PREP PN then NI PROPER to yonder tō s- ema mo sarōña jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr CONJ R AFF CASE N.3P N.SG PREP N.SG to, because SE 3SG.BEN BEN eye city with tower ja ōrra ñ- atta REL CLMOD R 3PC.A that PAST NI 3PC.A And then the LORD came to there to see the city with the tower that they had made. il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne; il t- amma ien CONJ R AFF REL then SE.PAST 3SG.SRC QUOT ē pa mēli anānīke CONJ R N.AN.CO N.ST and PA person unity ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna CONJ R PN N.CO MOD and PA 3PC language only one ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñ- atta rēha pa jāo jānne CONJ R N.CO N.CO REL R AFF CLMOD R PN N.SG and LA deed doable that NI 3PC.A FUT PA that beginning Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning! il tamma ien rēha ñatta janahan ja se jaþēŋŋe jacē lā; il t- amma ien CONJ R AFF REL then SE.PAST 3SG.SRC QUOT rēha ñ- atta janahan ja se jaþēŋŋe jacē lā CLMOD R AFF PN REL R N.SG N.SG MOOD FUT NI 3PC.A anything that SE proposal doable EXCL Then He said: they will do anything that they can propose! il tamma ien ē ñi liēn rā āke aþ ñalla anwaxāon tō tūaþ ñi anxiēna nīkamma sāim ankewōra cī; il t- amma ien CONJ R AFF REL then SE.PAST 3SG.SRC QUOT ē ñi liēn rā āke aþ ñ- alla anwaxāon CONJ R PN PREP PN CONJ R AFF N.ST and NI 1SG to yonder and NI 1SG.A confusion tō tūaþ ñi anxiēna nīkamma sāim ankewōra cī CONJ R N.ST AFF PN N.ST MOOD so that NI understanding with 3PC finished HORT Then He said: And I will go there and I will make confusion so that the understanding among them is finished. ē ñamma jāo ā λi ārōn ī ñamma sāim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa ī sū jamāonre ñamma jalāīke jahūwīke; ē ñ- amma jāo ā λi ārōn CONJ R AFF PN CASE PREP NAME and NI 3SG.A that A PROPER ī ñ- amma sāim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa CONJ R AFF PN N.AN.PL PREP N.CO MOD MOD and NI 3SG.A 3PC scattered to world among far ī sū jamāonre ñ- amma jalāīke jahūwīke CONJ PREP N.SG R AFF N.SG N.SG and at city NI 3SG.A making stopped And the LORD did this and they became scattered throughout the world and the building of the city stopped. tō jāo sete sawēra λi waxāon tō sū āke ōrra ñamma anwaxāon tō antaxōni tēna ā λi ārōn; tō jāo s- ete sawēra λi waxāon CONJ R AFF N.3P PREP NAME therefore SE 3PC.BEN name PROPER tō sū āke ōrra ñ- amma anwaxāon CONJ PREP PN CLMOD R AFF N.ST to, because at yonder PAST NI 3SG.A confusion tō antaxōni tēna ā λi ārōn CASE N.CO MOD CASE PREP NAME INS language each A PROPER Therefore their name is Confusion because there the LORD had made confusion of all languages.
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