Form: s- [R]
1. the relational SE in non-past, inflecting form SE167
- Example Sentences:
temme jahāhhe ien sele jahēŋŋūn mo lekōλa;
He sighed, I am thirsty.wā sexme sawēra jīþa janahan ke sāeþ;
Among them he does not have another name.ñāntari hēja sele jatañēn to anmāe kēñ;
Please, may I have some tea?ñi liēn matāra lā; sele jacē ien ñi masērre cī;
I've fallen down! [Someone] help me stand up.sele jālne to jatāena; pa jāo anriēnneþa;
I like the story; it was funny.sele jaþēra to wā ñi lēim rātāsa;
I'm relieved we're not going to the market.sele japēha to xō jakā; hēja ñamma xō ī;
I admire that deed; I should do that, too.serle ē jatakīwi aþ jānnūīki aþ anxēīki cī;
Bring me paper and (then) pens and (then) ink.ē hēja sere jacēla hi sere jakīñen cī;
You should get the bowl if you want ñi sāen mawaxāon il selme jakekōrja;
He became confused when I was explaining to him.sema jakēnnā to jasēlki jatūi;
She is curious about flying machines.sema jasēlni nā to jamāonre mo marēþa;
The city has many sights for the traveler.selesse lelāñ ien jakīñi jahānti;
Thanks to all for the good wishes.sele jatañēn mo lerōña to jamāonre il jaxāela;
I enjoy seeing the city at night.selte jālme japāsre to jakēþa jatāra;
A fallen trunk gives us a hindered crossing.sere majjārien mo ritākken cī;
Give attention to the dancers.wā sexe jawālīke to jajāra jaxūna;
They have not experienced study of the dance-planānen antāλa ñaxxa jarāki honahan ja sexe jakīña;
Chaotically, they make any kind of steps they wish.sanna jasāla jīsōra ke þō lisōra;
We repeat the song with these jalāña mo anlōki ja senne jalōni jacālli;
Give praise for the sunlight that gives us warm jasāla mo mamōri ma setenne jaxāeli jīlli;
Give song for the moons who give us silvery jasāla mo mūrāni ma setenne anrēli anhēi;
Give song for the winds who give us good air.semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma;
The woman gives love to the man.semme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna;
The man gives love to the woman.sennete jālneha il jaliþa il lānnāl tēna ī;
We give them good fortune today and all tomorrows also.sele jakīña ien ñi jatēnnīke ja pa liēr;
I wish that we were joined in marriage.sere jakīña ien ñi jatēnnīke ja pa liēr kēñ;
You wish that we were joined in marriage?hi pa riēn ancē hi serle jāo cī;
If you have the ability, then tell it to me.temme ke macēna ien serle jāo kā;
The woman said: Tell it to me!setesse jatasēña ien sasēsse jasēsi jasēñi;
They warned them (about) harmful kidney spots.semme ke mārja ien ñi rimēλa rā liēn nō kā;
The ārja said to her, "Young one, come here to me.semme ke mapāra ien ñarra jañānen jē mārja kēñ;
The aunt said, "Did you meet with the ārja?"semme jerrasōr ien λi mapāra jalā ñarna jañānen;
She replied, "O aunt, yes we met.luhañen selirte ien tele mo lerōña ien ñi mārja rāēlkie;
I am always saying I saw the ārja go south.sele jatēla ien wā ñarra jañānen jē mañēie;
I know you did not meet with the same one."semme ke mapāra ien wa jāo pa anehē;
The aunt said, "That is not true.sere mo rirōña ien ñi mēli rāēlkie ānen jahēra;
You saw people going south in a ship.sele jatēla ien ñamma mālte ā manahan;
I know someone healed her."-
- Stems for this form: