Form: sarōña [N.3P]
- Example Sentences:
te jīla ja tele jarūsīssīke mo lerōña;
That was when I saw the Pendulum.tema jajēra mo sarōña ien ñatta ā λi tāpon mīsi;
He saw the game that Tapon's children were playing.ñi sarōña jelūra tō jasēnette janīra;
His eyes hung on a sēnette tree branch.ñamma sarōña jatāelle tō jamēþa anmētti cī;
He had to make new eyes from tree resin.sele jatañēn mo lerōña to jamāonre il jaxāela;
I enjoy seeing the city at night.luhañen selirte ien tele mo lerōña ien ñi mārja rāēlkie;
I am always saying I saw the ārja go south.sere mo rirōña ien ñi mēli rāēlkie ānen jahēra;
You saw people going south in a ship.-
- Stems for this form: