- Example Sentences:
il ñatta jarēþa rūānnie il ñatta jamāesa japōññe sū jekiēn xīnār il aþ ñatta āke jamāramma;
While they were journeying from the East, they found a plain in the land Shinar and made there their home.
il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne;
Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning!
il tamma ien rēha ñatta janahan ja se jaþēŋŋe jacē lā;
Then He said: they will do anything that they can propose!
il tamma ien ē ñi liēn rā āke aþ ñalla anwaxāon tō tūaþ ñi anxiēna nīkamma sāim ankewōra cī;
Then He said: And I will go there and I will make confusion so that the understanding among them is finished.
il ñamma anūri nā ā mūrāna masīrien il ñamma jalūra rā sāen āñ nō ā marāona;
Then the north wind made much blowing and the wanderer held the cloak to himself.
il ñamma ē anlūi ē ancālli nā ā malō il ñamma jalūra rū sāen āñ pēxa ā marāona;
Then the sun made much light and warmth and the wanderer removed his cloak.
temle ien il talōnti nā il ñi sāen rā sōssirja il antielen wā ñi rū xō jē nāra;
He said to me: It was many yesterdays ago when he came to Sōssirja, afterwards he never went from it.
il jalōna wīor il antielen ōrra ñamma jarēþa ānen jatōna ja ñi japōññe wā nīkan anhāri ja ñi ankewōri ī il tema jamīra ñe ñamma sanārme jaþāla ā masāma sakū;
After he had travelled for four days without the road becoming found and with the water becoming used up also then he felt a sudden fear as if the desert came to him and took hold of him with its hand.
il aþ ñamma anrāki rājanō il ñamma jatōna jaxōsa āl il pa ma anrañāca nā il jalōna;
And then, he walked onwards, now searching for the road, with greater urgency as the day continued.
il ñi jaraxēwa il ñamma jaxōsa jōrre ānen antūtte wā il aþ ñi sāen maxēie il tema jaxiēna ien il ñi jānnalon jānne il ñamma jatōna japōññe rēha;
Night came, and he stopped searching without willingness and went to sleep with the certainty that come morning he would find the road.
il ñi sāen marēwa il ē tema jahēŋŋūn nā ñe jatarōñ ja tema ōrra aþ tema jaxiēna ien ñamma jatōna japōññe anniþen hēja cī;
When he awoke, he was thirstier that he had foreseen and understood that he must immediately find the road.
ē te sarōña pa ansōnen nā ñe sasōna ē il tema anhāri il ñi sāen rājanō;
His eyes had more wisdom than his mind and when water was seen, he went to it.
il ānnalon ānen ancēxa wā il ñi sāen rā jatarūni jawēhi nō;
All morning without hope, he followed mirages.
il wā ñi jatarūn jawēha ew rū xō pēxa ew jatarūnīwe il ñi sāen rā xō;
And yet the mirage did not move away or disappear when he went there.
il ñi sapāla sū xō il ñi mēli rū jamāonre rā jatarōn jawēha jahāwa nū nīkan anīλi nīkan antanīsi nīkan anlāni nīkan anlāsi;
While he was there weeping, people came from the city to near the edge of the mirage with cloths and decorations and greetings and welcomes.
il ñi sāen sawūra rā jēwār ōl il ñi jēwār jatāra rū ma pēxa;
As he with his mouth became over the lake, the lake fell away from him.
il ñi anlōki ī il ñi jēwār rūjapēxa ōrra il ñi sāen sū jasāma ī;
When it was light again, the lake had gone and he was in the desert again.
il ñi jāo il ñi jañāoseni jakāni wā;
This is what happens when the towels aren’t folded.
il talōnte tiēlen ñi le rā jahāwekien nō il ñi lerāka jawāna sū jakīþa ja pa antēnnā ōl;
Yesterday I was going along the beach when I moved with a false step on top of a rock with the ability to talk.
il ñamma jacēha ja ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō ā macūma il ñi jakērþe jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne;
The man attempted to get up on the horse when the horse stood up on two legs
il pa anālmañen sāim il teteñ jalūhi il ñi ankiēnarrāni tiēlen;
They were feeling connected when they helped each other during the earthquake.
il ñi liēn rātāsa il ñi rākēra;
When I go to the market then I go to the temple.
il ñi sāen mawaxāon il selme jakekōrja;
He became confused when I was explaining to him.
il ñi jakekōrja jawaxāon il antielen jūsīña ānor;
The explanation became confusing after 10 "minutes".
il ñi liēþ rā anālhāri il jīlpēneha;
We go to the ocean in Spring.
il ñi liēþ rā anmāxxānwi nīkan jarēlān jēspe il ñi anālhāri ansēlni;
We go to a wide plain with a continuing wind when we make sight of the ocean.
il ñi liēþ rāmāra il jīlcīlre;
We go home in the Winter.
il jaliþa il jīstūi ōraen ōraen il antielen il ñi ē mārjanen jē mētūmi nāra ē mārjanen jē makīmi nāra rā xō;
One day 10,000 10,000 years later, the Grandmother of all the ētūma and the Grandmother of all the Kīma came there.
il jahōλen wā antielen il ñi mārjanen jē mētūmi ānen antū rā xō ī;
Not a long while later, the Grandmother of the ētūma came flying there again.
il jahōλa antielen il ñi mārjanen jē makīmi ānen anrāka rā xō ī;
Two and a half hours later, the Grandmother of Kīma came stepping there again.
ñi mārja sāim nīkamma il ñi sāen manōña tiēlen;
The ārja was with them while she was dying.