Form: tō [CASE]
1. inanimate source or agent marker used with NI A152
- Example Sentences:
ñi ē jaxīwi ī jaratāni tō jatarūna jawēha anhāri;
The mirage waters whispered and rippled.ñamma anāmāesi anmōmi tō jacāta;
She flattened ants with a shoe.ñi jakerāka jēnēie tō jacāēl;
Flesh-colored pigment is made from clay.ñi liēn makūñante tō anhōhi anhēhūñi;
I’m sated from all the good food.ñi sarōña jelūra tō jasēnette janīra;
His eyes hung on a sēnette tree branch.ñamma sarōña jatāelle tō jamēþa anmētti cī;
He had to make new eyes from tree resin.ñi þō jakīþa tō jakīþi jīþi nā;
This rock is made from many other rocks.-
- Stems for this form: