- Example Sentences:
il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne;
Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning!
ē ñamma jāo ā λi ārōn ī ñamma sāim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa ī sū jamāonre ñamma jalāīke jahūwīke;
And the LORD did this and they became scattered throughout the world and the building of the city stopped.
temle jaþēma ien la jasāma nāra ñe jamāxxānwe ē pa jakōni ī pa anλāon nāpie ī pa jaxūna wā;
He described to me that the whole desert was like a vast expanse of gravel, and too much width, and no pattern.
kexien tema jaxiēna ien ē rēha la jalōna wījte rā annāmmi ī te māniþa sū jahāttam ōl nīkan anhāri jānnara sū japiēþi jakīwi mē;
Here, he understood that there was three days to fresh water and also he was alone atop a camel, with a quantity of water in skin containers.
sū jēwāri āñ la jamāonre nīkan ankōnōri anlūŋŋiþi anrāēli nīkan antāñi ē ansīwa ñe anlōki il jaraxēwa ī jaxōññāoni jalōnni jatēñi;
Among the lakes was a city with towers of white marble with flushes of pink like sunlight at twilight and also thin veins of gold.
ē ñi sapāla luhañen aþ temme jakekōrja ke mēla matūttōnte sū mīþi hāl ien ē se jawēra sarāpa mo jamāonre þō ī ōrra ñi makerāon manōña il jahōλen ī hēja ñatta sāen makerāon āl cī ī hēja ñi sāen rā jamāonre mē cī aþ ilwae ñi sāen manōña rēha;
Still he was weeping, and one with authority, in front of the rest, explained to him that this city was named sarāpa and that the king had been dead a long time and now they would make him the king and that he should come into the city and then never would he die.
ē ñamma sāen sanōma jaþāla ā marōāñēl sakū aþ temme ien la ē anmārwakiji sū jamāonre kiē ī jacūteni jalōi;
The oracle took hold of his wrist with her hand and told him of the wonders there were across the city and shining cups.
ñi ē jaxīwi ī jaratāni tō jatarūna jawēha anhāri;
The mirage waters whispered and rippled.
ē ānen ankēwa ī sakōλa jasīra ñi sāen rā jatarūna jawēha anhāri jahāwa;
With weariness and a dry throat, he went to the edge of the mirage water.
ē temme jatasēña ke macēna sakū ī tetme jatēmmēri ewaþ ñi sāen rā anhāri anālnehi tō tūaþ ñamma sāen sawūra jarēŋŋe;
The woman signed him warning and the people called to him, yet he went to the fortunate water in order to wet his mouth.
ē temme jarūlōn ān mo sasāra ke marōāñēl ī tetme japāla mo sasāra ke mēli;
He heard one shout from the oracle and he heard the people wail.
ē anniþen ñi sawūrre jasōhi rū jamāonre sarāpa ī ñi sāen matāra il jahōλen ānen ansōha ānen anūri jūma ēmma;
The voices from the city of sarāpa soon became silent and he fell for a long time with silence except for the noise of the air.
ī tele jaxiēna ien se jatāten ñe anrā anēspe mo jañiwēλa jalāmena sū jecāora jajūna to jalāīke jawūxxēta sū jakīnte jāña tā;
I also knew that a magnetic device centred in the floor beneath issued its command to a cylinder hidden in the heart of the sphere, thus assuring continual motion.
ē ñi jakērþe rū macūma pēxa ī ñi sāen mañāka;
The horse moved away from the man and attacked him.
se jarūlōn to jakērþe ī ñi jakērþi ōraen rā xō;
The horse gave a cry and then thousands of horses arrived.
tetme ē jamārienni ī jawēri jariēnneþi;
They laughed at him and called him funny names.
pa antēññexa liēn; ē sele jawasāon to ja ñi jakēwīke jatūste jatōrren ī sele jakesāo to ja ñi jatōrren ī;
I am conflicted. I don't want to do homework and I really want it done also.
samma japēlti mo jaxēxi ja ē ñi jarewēλi ī ñi jahūwi ī ñi jasēþa ñe jawēlrienāl rū jatāsa λi xēþa āñ;
It was barking at the plumes of smoke which were twisting and breaking and making a knot like a piece of interlace around the Iron market-square.
ē tema jāo mo macēna sasāra ī temme jamārienni ien la lerōña ñe mamōra mīña kēñ;
The woman heard this and she laughed at him: My eyes are like small moons?
temme ien pa ē matēnnīkōnēri ē matēnnīkōnēle ī le ancē ja sere jāo;
He said to her: Your marriage partner and my marriage partner and me, too, have the ability to tell it to you.
ē cēja ñi liēnne rā jalāe īr ī selne janahan sū āke mo lerōña;
We two can go behind the mountain and see whatever is yonder."