Form: ñi [R]
1. the relational NI uninflected for agent; NI is used to denote a change in state for its object. This change can be a change into a new state, a change into a state of existence, or a change in location NI164
- Example Sentences:
il aþ ñi marāona nīkamma jalūra jacālle rājanō;
Then along came a wanderer with a warm cloak.ñi ē jaxīwi ī jaratāni tō jatarūna jawēha anhāri;
The mirage waters whispered and rippled.ñi jēwār jalō ē jatāra ē jatāra rū ma hāl;
The shining lake fell and fell before him.ē ñi jēwār ē jaxēla ē jaxēla ī ē ñi sāen matāra āl;
The lake became dark and dark again as he jān tō ñi mannarien mattatēŋŋien;
One ring to rule them allse jān tō ñi mannarien mawwīrēŋŋien;
One ring to bring them alltemme ansōri ien ñi rūjapēxa cī;
She said the words to her: 'Go away!'il ñi jāo il ñi jañāoseni jakāni wā;
This is what happens when the towels aren’t folded.ñi jakerāka jēnēie tō jacāēl;
Flesh-colored pigment is made from clay.ñi liēn makūñante tō anhōhi anhēhūñi;
I’m sated from all the good jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
This is a good thing, the wild waves retreat away.ñi nāra lemōra ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
All my dreams become the wild waves retreat away.ñi liēnne matūrja sū jamūra;
We jumped up and down on the bed.ñi liēn matāra lā; sele jacē ien ñi masērre cī;
I've fallen down! [Someone] help me stand up.ē ñi jakērþe rū macūma pēxa ī ñi sāen mañāka;
The horse moved away from the man and attacked him.ñi jatēnnīke ja pa jakīren riēnne;
You (two) are joined to the clan.sele jaþēra to wā ñi lēim rātāsa;
I'm relieved we're not going to the market.ñi sarōña jelūra tō jasēnette janīra;
His eyes hung on a sēnette tree branch.tele jatēpa tō jāo ñi rātāsa;
I felt lonely so I went to the marketplace.rēha ñi sāim rā āe jatāsa āe jakērroþa;
They will go to either the market or the ñi liēn rātāsa il ñi rākēra;
When I go to the market then I go to the ñi sāen mawaxāon il selme jakekōrja;
He became confused when I was explaining to jaliþa ñi liēnne rā jarēña nō;
Today we walked along the river.ñi þō jakīþa tō jakīþi jīþi nā;
This rock is made from many other rocks.ñi jasāma jamāλa il antārranni il antielen;
The desert becomes green during rain and ñi liēþ rā anālhāri il jīlpēneha;
We go to the ocean in Spring.ñi jakāellīñ jarēspe sū janūwa ī;
The kāellīñ was stirring in the corner again.sū mamō salōmme ñi matūmse manīsen marēwa;
In the young man's arms, the carved tūmse was awake.ewaþ ñi ē antiēleni nāra anrūēñi ē anērre ī;
Yet all past events were forgotten and pride, too.sele jakīña ien ñi jatēnnīke ja pa liēr;
I wish that we were joined in marriage.sere jakīña ien ñi jatēnnīke ja pa liēr kēñ;
You wish that we were joined in marriage?tō ñi janēma jahūwa tō ñi jajīlne hēja;
The egg has broken so it should be eaten.ñi sāen rā mārja ma la sū anālhāri nū;
She went to the ārja who was by the sea.semme ke mārja ien ñi rimēλa rā liēn nō kā;
The ārja said to her, "Young one, come here to me.ñi macēna rāmāra rā makīri mēspi;
The woman went back to her waiting kin.luhañen selirte ien tele mo lerōña ien ñi mārja rāēlkie;
I am always saying I saw the ārja go south.sere mo rirōña ien ñi mēli rāēlkie ānen jahēra;
You saw people going south in a ship.ñi mārja sāim nīkamma il ñi sāen manōña tiēlen;
The ārja was with them while she was ñiēþ jīlwerrenle anxōnne ja ñi anλāta;
Our flag means death.-
- Stems for this form: