- Example Sentences:
ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jacālmi jajūti nā aþ te sāim nīkan jacālmi ñe jakīþi aþ te sāim nīkan ancēwri ñe anhērmi;
And they said to each other: We should bake many bricks; and then they had bricks as stone and they had mud as mortar.
ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jamāonre nīkan jakōnōr ja ñi jōl rā anīstīli;
And they said to each other: We should make a city with a tower that reaches to the heavens.
ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna lewēra tō tūaþ wā ñi ñēim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa;
And they said to each other: We should make our name so that we do not become scattered throughout the world.
il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne;
Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning!
il tamma ien ē ñi liēn rā āke aþ ñalla anwaxāon tō tūaþ ñi anxiēna nīkamma sāim ankewōra cī;
Then He said: And I will go there and I will make confusion so that the understanding among them is finished.
ē ñamma jāo ā λi ārōn ī ñamma sāim makkepōlien rā anmārwi āñ pēxa ī sū jamāonre ñamma jalāīke jahūwīke;
And the LORD did this and they became scattered throughout the world and the building of the city stopped.
il ñamma ē anlūi ē ancālli nā ā malō il ñamma jalūra rū sāen āñ pēxa ā marāona;
Then the sun made much light and warmth and the wanderer removed his cloak.
tere jañūna janāra mo rirōña ē rā jāxīsse hūta pēxa ē rā jāxīsse tēsa pēxa;
You saw complete straightness to the horizon far to the right and to the horizon far to the left.
ē ñi rājālme aþ rā jasīsse pē nō ñi jarūsa rā ja ñi jawae jīrān wā il antielen te jatōrreni jannarien;
Cross it and a few yards along, return to where nothing was altered after the completion of all things.
ē te sarōña pa ansōnen nā ñe sasōna ē il tema anhāri il ñi sāen rājanō;
His eyes had more wisdom than his mind and when water was seen, he went to it.
ē ñatta anxūri ankōrji ē ñatta sāim matanāe rājakiē ē tetme jatēmmēri luhañen ew ñi mawae rājanū;
And they opened the gates and made a crowd beyond it and called to him still, but none came to this side.
ē tetme ien la jāllōhen jatēwa pa anwīþþēñi rū anekiēni ja la sū anmārwi kiē rū anlāñūi rā malō nō nā ē tetme ien la anwīþþēñi pa anālhūñīki anwetēli;
They told him that at the feast table there were wines from lands that are beyond the known world from valleys nearer to the sun, and they told him there were wines with unknown perfumes.
ē ñi marōāñēl rā sāen ē temme jatēmmēr ien ñarra jahēña tō jatarūna jawēha anhāri wē;
She came to him and called to him Do not drink the mirage water.
ñi jēwār jalō ē jatāra ē jatāra rū ma hāl;
The shining lake fell and fell before him.
ē ñi jēwār ē jaxēla ē jaxēla ī ē ñi sāen matāra āl;
The lake became dark and dark again as he fell.
ē tele jaxiēna ē te jāo mo manahan to anrēli antōrji ankēra cēja ien se anīlñē to anxārrāonīki anōmen jatamōl jatāsa to jārranisse jānnara ja se ānen annāpre honahan wā mo manārmi mamārwi ja se jāonte ānen anānranne anōna to anwēlri tēna jakāxte to jaλāon;
I knew - but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing - that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by pi, that number which, however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles.
se þō ē anāniþa to jasōþa jelūra ē anēnniþa to jeλōna jaλōnōma ē anārriþa to jārranisse jānne ē anālliþa anlāmena to jatamōl ē anānnariwa aneŋŋōta to jawēlre āñ;
the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane's dimensions, the triadic beginning of pi, the secret quadratic nature of the root and the unnumbered perfection of the circle itself.
se jāo mo jarūsīssīke anxāona to jalāīke þō ien anaŋŋāta wā alxien ien anerēλa tō sū antawōri āñ ñi anrūsīsse tō jelūra janahan sū anxārrāonīki ānen ē antūma ē anλāonīke ē anūra anejēxa ē anñākke wā ilnaren;
This device, far from interfering with the law of the Pendulum, in fact permitted its manifestation, for in a vacuum any object hanging from a weightless and unstretchable wire free of air resistance and friction will oscillate for eternity.
ē tema janūra to jāo mo λi pīja ē ñamma sāim mīrieni;
Piya got angry and chased after them.
tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;
Because of all people each one is an equal thread in society's cloth, and because we each of us have soul and identity, therefore we should give each of us the one to the other personhood's courtesies like those that are given to one's weft-kin and to their weft-kin.
la anxēie ñe mamōīñ maketāλen ma ē ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen wā ē wā ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen lā;
Sleep is a mischievous boy who goes to those who do not desire it and does not go to those who desire it.
sū jatāsa la jatēwa jaλāona jarōllōl ja sūjōl la macēna maranīsa masērre saŋē ē jawūña ē jāŋŋeren sawēλa jatāña janēūñ ñe anmāe;
In the square was a broad, snow-covered table on which stood a well-dressed woman, her face disdainful and beautiful, her cheeks flushed rose like tea.
ewaþ ñi ē antiēleni nāra anrūēñi ē anērre ī;
Yet all past events were forgotten and pride, too.
temme ien pa ē matēnnīkōnēri ē matēnnīkōnēle ī le ancē ja sere jāo;
He said to her: Your marriage partner and my marriage partner and me, too, have the ability to tell it to you.
temme ē jaþēλi ien jakā ānen ansāorīki ien jaxūna ānen anrūēli ī xiēn jē jāxīsse jīlke ī jāo ja la sūjatā ē jāo sūjōl ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi ē jatatēn ien ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī;
He taught the usage of consonants, the pattern of vowels, and concerning the writing line and that which is above and that below; the usefulness of dots and end-marks, and explained 'c' becoming leaning, and many other mysteries also.
ē la ñiēþ māmānien ē la ñiēþ rū ērþe;
We are human and we are from Earth.
il jaliþa il jīstūi ōraen ōraen il antielen il ñi ē mārjanen jē mētūmi nāra ē mārjanen jē makīmi nāra rā xō;
One day 10,000 10,000 years later, the Grandmother of all the ētūma and the Grandmother of all the Kīma came there.
semete ien sele ē jamēþi jatāri wīor mo lerōña ē jōna jajīra jaλānne nīkan anhēīñi ē jarēña jaλāona jalūnte;
She said to them, "I saw four fallen trees and a big valley full of hēīñ and a wide, shining river."
semete ien sele ē jasūpperi ŋō mo lerōña ē jamāēþi jakūrji sū jarēña jahāwa ē jūskemāni jahēhūñi nā;
She said to them, "I saw very many sūppera and thorny bushes on the river's edge and many delicious ūskemāna."