Form: rā [PREP]
- Example Sentences:
rēha ñi sāim rā āe jatāsa āe jakērroþa;
They will go to either the market or the jaliþa ñi liēnne rā jarēña nō;
Today we walked along the ñi liēþ rā anālhāri il jīlpēneha;
We go to the ocean in Spring.ñamma jēste rā λi tānre sakīwa kiē ānen anxūna;
She put the knife through Tānre's skin repeatedly.ñi sāen rā mārja ma la sū anālhāri nū;
She went to the ārja who was by the sea.semme ke mārja ien ñi rimēλa rā liēn nō kā;
The ārja said to her, "Young one, come here to me.ñi macēna rāmāra rā makīri mēspi;
The woman went back to her waiting kin.-
- Stems for this form: