- Example Sentences:
il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne;
Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning!
il ñi sapāla sū xō il ñi mēli rū jamāonre rā jatarōn jawēha jahāwa nū nīkan anīλi nīkan antanīsi nīkan anlāni nīkan anlāsi;
While he was there weeping, people came from the city to near the edge of the mirage with cloths and decorations and greetings and welcomes.
ē ñi sapāla luhañen aþ temme jakekōrja ke mēla matūttōnte sū mīþi hāl ien ē se jawēra sarāpa mo jamāonre þō ī ōrra ñi makerāon manōña il jahōλen ī hēja ñatta sāen makerāon āl cī ī hēja ñi sāen rā jamāonre mē cī aþ ilwae ñi sāen manōña rēha;
Still he was weeping, and one with authority, in front of the rest, explained to him that this city was named sarāpa and that the king had been dead a long time and now they would make him the king and that he should come into the city and then never would he die.
tetme jatēmmēri ñe anexīmi ke sarāpa mēli manaren ien ñi anwīþþēñi tō ankērrāoni il jānnaxili sū jamārwi jalōi jīþi rā malō nō nā;
They called to him like music, all the people of Sarāpa, telling him of wines made from magic during the evenings on other shining worlds nearer to the sun.
ē temme jarūlōn ān mo sasāra ke marōāñēl ī tetme japāla mo sasāra ke mēli;
He heard one shout from the oracle and he heard the people wail.
ē texe jatāen jatēla mo mēlien mannarien sū sōssirja jaþāwa xō aþ texesse mo mīþien il anīstūi tēna sū jakēsti sū jalāji kiē sū jamāesi āñ;
All the people in that part of Sōssirja know the story and they tell it to more each year in the towns beyond the mountains, in the arable land.
tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;
Because of all people each one is an equal thread in society's cloth, and because we each of us have soul and identity, therefore we should give each of us the one to the other personhood's courtesies like those that are given to one's weft-kin and to their weft-kin.
sere mo rirōña ien ñi mēli rāēlkie ānen jahēra;
You saw people going south in a ship.