Form: jāo [PN.DEF]
- Example Sentences:
wā temle janahan nā ñe jāo;
He did not say to me more than ñi jāo il ñi jañāoseni jakāni wā;
This is what happens when the towels aren’t jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
This is a good thing, the wild waves retreat away.sele jālne to jatāena; pa jāo anriēnneþa;
I like the story; it was funny.ē tema janūra to jāo mo λi pīja ē ñamma sāim mīrieni;
Piya got angry and chased after jaþēma ien pa jāo anwāra nā;
It seems that it is very easy.hi pa riēn ancē hi serle jāo cī;
If you have the ability, then tell it to me.temme ke macēna ien serle jāo kā;
The woman said: Tell it to me!semme ke mapāra ien wa jāo pa anehē;
The aunt said, "That is not true.-
- Stems for this form: