- Example Sentences:
iēlte la anmārwi pa antaxōni ān tēna;
Once long ago, the world had only one language.
il tamma ien ē pa mēli anānīke ī pa sāim antaxōni ān tēna ī la ankāe ancēji ja ñatta rēha pa jāo jānne;
Then He said: the people are united and they have only one language and of the deeds they can do, this is the beginning!
iēlte teteñ anþēŋŋeni ien la ma pa antāken anānexa makēñ;
Once long ago they had an argument over who had the most strength.
teteñ anñēīki ien la ma pa antāken anānexa ma ñamma jalūra rū marāona pēxa cēja;
They agreed that he would have more strength who could have the wanderer remove his cloak.
tō jāo temme jalerāen ien la malō pa antāken anānexa ke mūrāna masīrien;
So, the north wind admitted that the sun had the most strength.
te janaren ja temle ien illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō tō te jāo ewaþ tema jawōla to jaþīña illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō il tema jekīþa ien ē rēha la jalōna wījte jē nā rū xō rā annāmmi hi ñamma jatōna japōññe;
All he said to me: when first he perceived he was lost, because that it was even though he doubted his path, when first he perceived he was lost, he was certain that there were only three days from there to fresh water, if he found the road.
te ien la jaxūna pa anwōra sū jasāma jamāxxānwe jawīwa ōl sū jañūna ēnne jakōna āñ;
It seemed to be a pattern of emptiness on top of the bare wide plain of the desert between two lines of pebbles.
temle jaþēma ien la jasāma nāra ñe jamāxxānwe ē pa jakōni ī pa anλāon nāpie ī pa jaxūna wā;
He described to me that the whole desert was like a vast expanse of gravel, and too much width, and no pattern.
kexien tema jaxiēna ien ē rēha la jalōna wījte rā annāmmi ī te māniþa sū jahāttam ōl nīkan anhāri jānnara sū japiēþi jakīwi mē;
Here, he understood that there was three days to fresh water and also he was alone atop a camel, with a quantity of water in skin containers.
wā tema jawāxten illaniþ tō tema jekīþa to ja taxien la jatōna sū sahūta pa anōmen jarāŋŋi ŋō tō jāo hi ñi jarēþa rā jaþīña jahēnār taxien hi ñi jatōna japōññe il anniþen il antielen;
He did not feel vulnerable at first, because he was certain the road was to his right more or less, and also a great many miles of length, so that if he travelled in more or less the right direction, he would find the road sooner or later.
kexien tema jekīþa ien la þō jatarūni jawēhi tō tema jatēla ien la þō jalmēsa sū sōssirja pa anhāri wā ewaþ ñi sāen rājanō;
Of course, he knew these were mirages because he knew this part of Sōssirja has no water, yet he followed.
tema jekīþa ien la þō jatarūn jawēha to ja ñi honnarien ankēji rājamē rūjēmma rā anlāīñi jakīnte tā;
He knew that this was a mirage from all the ways that the sky came into it and out of it and went under the base of the hills.
la anlāji anēkki ansīñi ankīþi sūjīr nīkan ankēji anñāntiwi tō tūaþ ñi ankeþāwi tō þō tō anmārwi;
There at the back were tall rocky red-brown mountains and sky mixed up together so that here and the world were divided.
sū jēwāri āñ la jamāonre nīkan ankōnōri anlūŋŋiþi anrāēli nīkan antāñi ē ansīwa ñe anlōki il jaraxēwa ī jaxōññāoni jalōnni jatēñi;
Among the lakes was a city with towers of white marble with flushes of pink like sunlight at twilight and also thin veins of gold.
ē ñi sāen rā anxūri kiē aþ ñi anxūri anpōhi aþ la jatarūn jawēha nīkan jēwāri jalūi sū sāen āñ aþ se jarūlōn to jamāonre;
He went through the gates, and the gates shut, and there was the mirage with the lakes shining around him, and a shout came from the city.
ē tetme ien la jāllōhen jatēwa pa anwīþþēñi rū anekiēni ja la sū anmārwi kiē rū anlāñūi rā malō nō nā ē tetme ien la anwīþþēñi pa anālhūñīki anwetēli;
They told him that at the feast table there were wines from lands that are beyond the known world from valleys nearer to the sun, and they told him there were wines with unknown perfumes.
ē ñamma sāen sanōma jaþāla ā marōāñēl sakū aþ temme ien la ē anmārwakiji sū jamāonre kiē ī jacūteni jalōi;
The oracle took hold of his wrist with her hand and told him of the wonders there were across the city and shining cups.
wā texe jawōla mo mawae ien la sāen makerāon jē sarāpa;
Not a one of them has doubt that he is the king of sarāpa.
te jecāora sū anxārrāonīki anōmeni anelūri ja la rū masāltanni jasūna jalāka tā jarūsīsse ānen anērrenāe anīlñē;
The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty.
la riēn rihē kēñ;
Are you doing well?
la makīrēri sahē kēñ;
Are your kin doing well?
la maþūskīrēri sahē kēñ;
Are your weft-kin doing well?
la maxānēri sahē kēñ;
Are your friends doing well?
la mannarien sahē kēñ;
Is everyone doing well?
jalā la liēn lehē;
Yes, I am doing well.
lerāe la sāim sahē;
Yes, they are doing well.
lerāe la mannarien sahē;
Yes, everyone is doing well.
la jānnalon jālne cī;
Have a good morning.
la jōrralon jālne cī;
Have a good afternoon.
la jānnaxel jālne cī;
Have a good evening.
la jōrraxel jālne cī;
Have a good night.
la rihē cī;
Be well.
la jacēla sū jatēwa;
The bowl is on the table.
la jacēla janēla;
'The bowl is red.'
la jacēla ñe janēla;
The bowl is the red thing.
la jacēla pa annēla;
The bowl has redness.
la jarāka jañēnāe ñe antiēl;
[My] favorite color is antiēl.
la anwīþþēñi ñe anhēŋŋūn anejēxa;
Wine is the opposite of thirst.
la jajāla jacāelle;
The fruit is juicy.
la sakexīr jakāpa;
His hearing is bad.
la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rūjapēxa;
I am at the edge of the stormy sea, and the breaking waves retreat away.
la jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;
This is a good thing, the wild waves retreat away.
ē ñalla jakīþa jatēnnā rā lekū mē ōl aþ telme ien la riēn makīþa matēnnā kēñ;
I moved the talking rock up into my hand, and said to him, "Are you a talking rock?"
temle ke makīþa matēnnā ien jalā la liēn makīþa matēnnā;
The talking rock said to me: "Yes I am a talking rock."
temle jerrasōr ien tō la liēn makīþa matēnnā mapēnne lā;
He replied to me: "Because I am a mean talking rock!"
la sāen masērre xō;
She is standing there.
la saxēie jatāλa;
Her sleep is restless.
la sacōña jahē;
Her kiss is good.
la sarāka jariēnneþa;
Her step is funny.
la sāen mahānte;
He's a kind person.
tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;
Because of all people each one is an equal thread in society's cloth, and because we each of us have soul and identity, therefore we should give each of us the one to the other personhood's courtesies like those that are given to one's weft-kin and to their weft-kin.
la sahēññe jāste ñe anīstīli;
His hair was as dark as night.
la anūña jarāka jaxōλa nā ñe anēkke;
Blue is a prettier color than brown.
la anēkke jarāka jaxōλa pē ñe anūña;;
Brown is a less beautiful color than blue.
la antīel jarāka jaxōλa nā ñe janaren;
Purple is the prettiest color of all.
la liēn anhēŋŋi japiēþi tē nīkanle ānen jakāe honahan wā;
Here I am with six containers of beer and without anything to do.
la sāen makēnnā;
She is curious.
la jamīki nā sū þō jamāonre mē;
There are many bridges in this city.
la þō ñe jatārharrien jaþāe;
This is a lying-down waterfall.
la sāen mīsse il la masērre ewaþ la sāen masīña il la maþāe lā;
He's short while standing, but he's tall while lying down!
la jasāma pa anālhāri antēti jamūñi;
The desert contains the bones of an ancient ocean.
la anxēie ñe mamōīñ maketāλen ma ē ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen wā ē wā ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen lā;
Sleep is a mischievous boy who goes to those who do not desire it and does not go to those who desire it.
la jalāeþa jarōllōl ewaþ ñi liēþ rā jalāe ālme;
The mountain pass is snow-covered but we cross the mountain.
la liēþ sū anhēīñi;
We are at an expanse of 'grass'.
sū jatāsa la jatēwa jaλāona jarōllōl ja sūjōl la macēna maranīsa masērre saŋē ē jawūña ē jāŋŋeren sawēλa jatāña janēūñ ñe anmāe;
In the square was a broad, snow-covered table on which stood a well-dressed woman, her face disdainful and beautiful, her cheeks flushed rose like tea.
la sāeþ ānen jaxūnīki honahan wā;
They are without any kind of plan.
la sāeþ ānen anexīmi wā ānen sawūrre āñ ēmma;
They are without music except for their own voice(s).
se jaþēma ien la sāeþ sasōna jānīke;
It seems that they are of one mind.
temme ien la rixōλa ñe jajāra;
He said to her: your beauty is like a dance.
la rirōña ñe mamōra mīña;
Your eyes are like small moons.
ē tema jāo mo macēna sasāra ī temme jamārienni ien la lerōña ñe mamōra mīña kēñ;
The woman heard this and she laughed at him: My eyes are like small moons?
wā pa riēn ancē ja serle ien jasōra wījtē ja la lewēra lā;
You do not have the ability to tell me the three words of my name!
temme ke λi tānre ien pa liēn ancē ja selre ien jasōra wījtē ja la riwēra;
Tānre said to her: I have the ability to tell you the three words of your name.
la sāen mawēhēl mawehē ma ñamma jawēhi;
S/he is a lying liar who lies.
la jehē sū āke;
The truth is out there.
la þō nāra pa anwāññe nā;
There's something very familiar about all this.
temme ē jaþēλi ien jakā ānen ansāorīki ien jaxūna ānen anrūēli ī xiēn jē jāxīsse jīlke ī jāo ja la sūjatā ē jāo sūjōl ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi ē jatatēn ien ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī;
He taught the usage of consonants, the pattern of vowels, and concerning the writing line and that which is above and that below; the usefulness of dots and end-marks, and explained 'c' becoming leaning, and many other mysteries also.
ē la ñiēþ māmānien ē la ñiēþ rū ērþe;
We are human and we are from Earth.
la jaxūnīke ñe jahōhhe ānen ancōi wā;
The plan is like a meal cooked without salt.
ñi sāen rā mārja ma la sū anālhāri nū;
She went to the ārja who was by the sea.
la mārja sū matānae āñ;
The ārja was in the middle of a crowd.
semme jerrasōr ke macēna ien λi mārjahēna ñi liēn rā þō tō tūaþ ñi anānīke jē jērān ja la sū anālhāri nū tō sema antēleni;
The woman answered, "O ārja, I've come here in order to join the guild that is by the sea, to learn."
semme jerrasōr ke mārja ien la jawasōnen alxien lā;
The ārja answered, "What a surprisingly ignorant thing!
la liēn λi maþālōn malūta Ropertes; wa mammārenien rēha;
I am the Dread Pirate Roberts. There will be no survivors.