There are 7 sentences in xiēn jē jarūsīssīke
te jīla ja tele jarūsīssīke mo lerōña; te jīla ja t- ele jarūsīssīke mo lerōña R N.SG REL R AFF N.SG CASE N.1P LA.PAST moment that SE.PAST 1SG.BEN pendulum BEN eye That was when I saw the Pendulum. te jecāora sū anxārrāonīki anōmeni anelūri ja la rū masāltanni jasūna jalāka tā jarūsīsse ānen anērrenāe anīlñē; te jecāora sū anxārrāonīki anōmeni anelūri ja R N.SG PREP N.CO N.CO N.CO REL LA.PAST sphere at wire long hanging that la rū masāltanni jasūna jalāka tā R PREP N.AN.CO N.SG N.SG MOD LA from singer hall ceiling bottom jarūsīsse ānen anērrenāe anīlñē N.SG PREP N.ST N.STAT back and forth -ly majesty periodic The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty. ē tele jaxiēna ē te jāo mo manahan to anrēli antōrji ankēra cēja ien se anīlñē to anxārrāonīki anōmen jatamōl jatāsa to jārranisse jānnara ja se ānen annāpre honahan wā mo manārmi mamārwi ja se jāonte ānen anānranne anōna to anwēlri tēna jakāxte to jaλāon; ē t- ele jaxiēna ē te jāo mo manahan CONJ R AFF N.SG CONJ R PN CASE PN and SE.PAST 1SG.BEN understand and SE.PAST that BEN anyone to anrēli antōrji ankēra cēja ien CASE N.CO N.CO N.ST CLMOD REL SRC air still holy ABLE that se anīlñē to anxārrāonīki anōmen jatamōl jatāsa R N.ST CASE N.CO N.ST N.SG N.SG SE periodic SRC wire length root square to jārranisse jānnara ja se ānen annāpre honahan wā CASE N.SG N.SG REL R PREP N.ST PN MOD SRC pi quantity that SE without rational any without mo manārmi mamārwi ja CASE N.AN.CO N.AN.CO REL BEN person worldly that se jāonte ānen anānranne anōna R N.SG PREP N.ST N.ST SE binding -ly fractional great to anwēlri tēna jakāxte to jaλāon CASE N.CO MOD N.SG CASE N.SG SRC circle each perimeter SRC width I knew - but anyone could have sensed it in the magic of that serene breathing - that the period was governed by the square root of the length of the wire and by pi, that number which, however irrational to sublunar minds, through a higher rationality binds the circumference and diameter of all possible circles. se jīla nīkan jecāora jarūsīsse to anñēīki anxiēni ānen antōmi ānen anīla wā; se jīla nīkan jecāora jarūsīsse R N.SG PREP N.SG N.SG SE moment with sphere back and forth to anñēīki anxiēni ānen antōmi ānen anīla wā CASE N.CO N.CO PREP N.CO PREP N.ST MOD SRC agreement understood -ly measure without time without The time it took the sphere to swing from end to end was determined by an arcane conspiracy between the most timeless of measures: se þō ē anāniþa to jasōþa jelūra ē anēnniþa to jeλōna jaλōnōma ē anārriþa to jārranisse jānne ē anālliþa anlāmena to jatamōl ē anānnariwa aneŋŋōta to jawēlre āñ; se þō ē anāniþa to jasōþa jelūra R PN CONJ N.ST CASE N.SG N.SG SE this and alone SRC place hanging ē anēnniþa to jeλōna jaλōnōma CONJ N.ST CASE N.SG N.SG and duality SRC plane dimension ē anārriþa to jārranisse jānne CONJ N.ST CASE N.SG N.SG and triad SRC pi beginning ē anālliþa anlāmena to jatamōl CONJ N.ST N.ST CASE N.SG and fourness hidden SRC root ē anānnariwa aneŋŋōta to jawēlre āñ CONJ N.ST N.ST CASE N.SG N.SG and numberless perfection SRC circle REFL the singularity of the point of suspension, the duality of the plane's dimensions, the triadic beginning of pi, the secret quadratic nature of the root and the unnumbered perfection of the circle itself. ī tele jaxiēna ien se jatāten ñe anrā anēspe mo jañiwēλa jalāmena sū jecāora jajūna to jalāīke jawūxxēta sū jakīnte jāña tā; ī t- ele jaxiēna ien CONJ R AFF N.SG REL and SE.PAST 1SG.BEN understand that se jatāten ñe anrā anēspe mo jañiwēλa jalāmena R N.SG CONJ N.ST N.ST CASE N.SG N.SG SE command = motion continual BEN cylinder hidden sū jecāora jajūna to jalāīke jawūxxēta PREP N.SG N.SG CASE N.SG N.SG at sphere center SRC made magnet sū jakīnte jāña tā PREP N.SG N.SG MOD at base middle bottom I also knew that a magnetic device centred in the floor beneath issued its command to a cylinder hidden in the heart of the sphere, thus assuring continual motion. se jāo mo jarūsīssīke anxāona to jalāīke þō ien anaŋŋāta wā alxien ien anerēλa tō sū antawōri āñ ñi anrūsīsse tō jelūra janahan sū anxārrāonīki ānen ē antūma ē anλāonīke ē anūra anejēxa ē anñākke wā ilnaren; se jāo mo jarūsīssīke anxāona to jalāīke þō R PN CASE N.SG N.ST CASE N.SG PN SE that BEN pendulum form SRC made this ien anaŋŋāta wā alxien ien anerēλa REL N.ST MOD CLMOD REL N.ST that limitation no unexpectedly that free tō sū antawōri āñ CONJ PREP N.CO MOD to, because at void amid ñi anrūsīsse tō jelūra janahan R N.ST CASE N.SG PN NI back and forth INS hanging any sū anxārrāonīki ānen ē antūma ē anλāonīke PREP N.CO PREP CONJ N.ST CONJ N.ST at wire without and weight and stretching ē anūra anejēxa ē anñākke wā ilnaren CONJ N.ST N.ST CONJ N.ST MOD CLMOD and air resistance and friction without forever This device, far from interfering with the law of the Pendulum, in fact permitted its manifestation, for in a vacuum any object hanging from a weightless and unstretchable wire free of air resistance and friction will oscillate for eternity.
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