There are 8 sentences in 17th Conlang Relay
xiēn jē jakērþe japīña; xiēn jē jakērþe japīña PREP N.SG N.SG about horse bad Concerning the bad horse. "jakērþe" doesn't exactly mean "horse", but it does refer to an animal that can be ridden. se macūma; se jakērþe; se macūma; se jakērþe R N.AN.SG R N.AN.SG SE man SE horse The man. The horse. Introducing the main characters. il ñamma jacēha ja ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō ā macūma il ñi jakērþe jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne; il ñ- amma jacēha ja ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō ā macūma CONJ R AFF N.SG PN.REL R PN PREP N.SG MOD MOD CASE N.AN.SG then NI 3SG.A attempt that NI 3SG to horse top next to A man il ñi jakērþe jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne CONJ R N.SG N.SG INST N.SG MOD then NI horse standing INS legs two The man attempted to get up on the horse when the horse stood up on two legs "On two legs" is an instrument phrase, the means by which the horse became standing up. ē ñi jakērþe rū macūma pēxa ī ñi sāen mañāka; ē ñi jakērþe rū macūma pēxa ī ñi sāen mañāka CONJ R N.SG PREP N.AN.SG MOD CONJ R PN N.AN.SG and NI horse from man away from and NI 3SG attacked The horse moved away from the man and attacked him. ñamma jarāka rū xō ā macūma ānen antānre; ñ- amma jarāka rū xō ā macūma ānen antānre R AFF N.SG PREP LOC CASE N.AN.SG PREP N.ST NI 3SG.A step from there A man -ly quickly The man quickly moved away from there. se jarūlōn to jakērþe ī ñi jakērþi ōraen rā xō; se jarūlōn to jakērþe ī ñi jakērþi ōraen rā xō R N.SG SRC.INAN N.SG CONJ R N.PL MOD PREP LOC SE shout SRC horse and NI horse 4096 to there The horse gave a cry and then thousands of horses arrived. "Arrive" is noted with NI + RA + XO, "came to there" is a more literal translation. tō ñi jarāki rā macūma ōl tō jakērþi tō jāo ñi macūma manōña; tō ñi jarāki rā macūma ōl tō jakērþi tō jāo ñi macūma manōña CONJ R N.PL PREP N.AN.SG MOD INST N.PL CONJ R N.AN.SG N.AN.SG because NI step to man top INS horse so NI man dead The horses stepped on the man and therefore the man died. "Stepped" is more accurately "made many steps", and the many is implied by the plural of both the steps and the horses. se jatōrren; se jatōrren R N.SG SE finished The end.
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