- Example Sentences:
teteñ anñēīki ien la ma pa antāken anānexa ma ñamma jalūra rū marāona pēxa cēja;
They agreed that he would have more strength who could have the wanderer remove his cloak.
il ñamma ē anlūi ē ancālli nā ā malō il ñamma jalūra rū sāen āñ pēxa ā marāona;
Then the sun made much light and warmth and the wanderer removed his cloak.
temle ien il talōnti nā il ñi sāen rā sōssirja il antielen wā ñi rū xō jē nāra;
He said to me: It was many yesterdays ago when he came to Sōssirja, afterwards he never went from it.
temle ien tō wā sema jatañēn to jakāe ja ñi sū japāŋŋien tō jāo ōrra ñi sāen rū āke;
He said to me: He did not like the doings in the homeland, so he went from there.
wā temle jatatēn ien ē jaliþa ñi sāen rū xō rā jatōna nō rā jasāma aþ ñi māniþa marō rū jatōna rā jasāma jaλāon mē;
He did not tell me the reason that he went one day from there along the road to the desert and became lost and alone from the road into the wide desert.
te janaren ja temle ien illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō tō te jāo ewaþ tema jawōla to jaþīña illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō il tema jekīþa ien ē rēha la jalōna wījte jē nā rū xō rā annāmmi hi ñamma jatōna japōññe;
All he said to me: when first he perceived he was lost, because that it was even though he doubted his path, when first he perceived he was lost, he was certain that there were only three days from there to fresh water, if he found the road.
temle ien te anāxkīñi anjūti nīkan jakīþīñi jakepōli jē sōta ñe anwūlīñi ñe ōrra ñi jakōni jatāri nā rā xō rū jasōþa ōl pēxa ānen anþīmme;
He told me there was baked ground with scattered little rocks instead of sand, as if were much gravel thrown to there from a place far above.
hi ñi jatōna japōññe hi hēja ñi sāen rājanō ānen antānre hi ñi sāen rū malō ancāllimma hīja hi pa anmārena luhañen;
And if the road was found, he must go along it with quickness if he would escape the sun's heat and live.
illorren ñamma jān japōññe ja wā ñi rū sāen pēxa;
Finally, he found one that did not go away from him.
ē tema jāŋŋeren to jamāonre jalū sū jēwāri āñ ānen anlūi rū jasōþa wā mo sanārme ien ñe wā tema to anlūani to anexīmi to anxōni to ankīri mo sanārme aþ ñi sapāla sū anxūri hāl sū jēwāri nū;
The beauty from the city shining among the lakes with light from nowhere affected him like neither the stars nor music nor memory nor family had affected him and he wept in front of the gates beside the lakes.
il ñi sapāla sū xō il ñi mēli rū jamāonre rā jatarōn jawēha jahāwa nū nīkan anīλi nīkan antanīsi nīkan anlāni nīkan anlāsi;
While he was there weeping, people came from the city to near the edge of the mirage with cloths and decorations and greetings and welcomes.
ē tetme ien la jāllōhen jatēwa pa anwīþþēñi rū anekiēni ja la sū anmārwi kiē rū anlāñūi rā malō nō nā ē tetme ien la anwīþþēñi pa anālhūñīki anwetēli;
They told him that at the feast table there were wines from lands that are beyond the known world from valleys nearer to the sun, and they told him there were wines with unknown perfumes.
ñi sāen rū sāim pēxa rā jatarūna jawēha jēwāri anhāri ī;
Again he went away from them to the waters of the mirage lakes.
il ñi sāen sawūra rā jēwār ōl il ñi jēwār jatāra rū ma pēxa;
As he with his mouth became over the lake, the lake fell away from him.
ñi jēwār jalō ē jatāra ē jatāra rū ma hāl;
The shining lake fell and fell before him.
ē anniþen ñi sawūrre jasōhi rū jamāonre sarāpa ī ñi sāen matāra il jahōλen ānen ansōha ānen anūri jūma ēmma;
The voices from the city of sarāpa soon became silent and he fell for a long time with silence except for the noise of the air.
te jecāora sū anxārrāonīki anōmeni anelūri ja la rū masāltanni jasūna jalāka tā jarūsīsse ānen anērrenāe anīlñē;
The sphere, hanging from a long wire set into the ceiling of the choir, swayed back and forth with isochronal majesty.
ñi sāen rū jamāonre;
He is from the city
ē ñi jakērþe rū macūma pēxa ī ñi sāen mañāka;
The horse moved away from the man and attacked him.
ñamma jarāka rū xō ā macūma ānen antānre;
The man quickly moved away from there.
ē ñatta sarōña jatūrja rū sōlle ēmma rā jūra mē aþ ñatta jarūsa rā sarōña jacāwa;
They were taking their eyes from their heads and throwing them up into the air and then catching them in their eye sockets.
samma japēlti mo jaxēxi ja ē ñi jarewēλi ī ñi jahūwi ī ñi jasēþa ñe jawēlrienāl rū jatāsa λi xēþa āñ;
It was barking at the plumes of smoke which were twisting and breaking and making a knot like a piece of interlace around the Iron market-square.
ē la ñiēþ māmānien ē la ñiēþ rū ērþe;
We are human and we are from Earth.
il ōrralon ñi jarewēλecāwāŋŋi ā jawēlrūlri rū jaxēwepōma āñ;
In the afternoon the wēlrūlri make rewēλecāwāŋŋi around the xēwepōma
to makīmaþālen masāknenūren to macūcū matū ñi ma rū ma pēxa cī;
the explosively angry kīmaþālen, the cūcū bird - away from them be.