There are 16 sentences in 14th Conlang Relay
se jatēnnīke jasāla mo macēna mo macūma; se jatēnnīke jasāla mo macēna mo macūma R N.SG N.SG PREP N.AN.SG PREP N.AN.SG SE joining song BEN woman BEN man Here is a joining song for a man and a woman sanna jasāla jīsōra ke þō lisōra; s- anna jasāla jīsōra ke þō lisōra R AFF N.SG N.SG CASE PN N.1P SE 1PC.INCL.SRC song repeated AN.SRC this word We repeat the song with these words. se jalāña mo jāŋŋeren jēspe sū ñēim manaren mē; se jalāña mo jāŋŋeren jēspe sū ñēim manaren mē R N.SG CASE N.SG N.SG PREP AFF PN POST SE greeting BEN awe continual at 1PC.INCL everyone in Give praise for the beauty remaining inside all of us. se jalāña mo anlōki ja senne jalōni jacālli; se jalāña mo anlōki ja s- enne jalōni jacālli R N.SG CASE N.CO PN.REL R AFF N.PL N.PL SE greeting BEN sunlight that SE 1PC.INCL.BEN day warm Give praise for the sunlight that gives us warm days. se jalāña mo jakō ja senne jakecōna jē anpīña; se jalāña mo jakō ja s- enne jakecōna jē anpīña R N.SG CASE N.SG PN.REL R AFF N.SG PREP N.ST SE greeting BEN hearth that SE 1PC.INCL.BEN safe against evil Give praise for the hearth that gives us safety from evil. se jalāña mo anhāmāe sū japāssetinle mē; se jalāña mo anhāmāe sū japāsseti -nle mē R N.SG CASE N.CO PREP N.SG AFF POST SE greeting BEN wheat at storage 1P in Give praise for the grains inside our storehouses. se jasāla mo mamōri ma setenne jaxāeli jīlli; se jasāla mo mamōri ma s- etenne jaxāeli jīlli R N.SG CASE N.AN.CO PN.REL R AFF N.PL N.PL SE song BEN moon one SE 3PC.SRC;1PC.INCL.BEN night silver Give song for the moons who give us silvery nights. se jasāla mo mūrāni ma setenne anrēli anhēi; se jasāla mo mūrāni ma s- etenne anrēli anhēi R N.SG CASE N.AN.CO PN.REL R AFF N.CO N.CO SE song BEN wind one SE 3PC.SRC;1PC.INCL.BEN air good Give song for the winds who give us good air. good air = good weather se jasāla mo jātaren ja senne jatāña jaxēwa; se jasāla mo jātaren ja s- enne jatāña jaxēwa R N.SG CASE N.SG PN.REL R AFF N.SG N.SG SE song BEN tree that SE 1PC.INCL.BEN screen shady Give song for the ātaren-tree that gives us shady shelter. jatāña is screen, but shelter works, too. se jasāla mo anālnaren ja senne lihē jālte; se jasāla mo anālnaren ja s- enne lihē jālte R N.SG CASE N.ST PN.REL R AFF N.1P N.SG SE song BEN joy that SE 1PC.INCL.BEN well-being healthy Give song for the joy that gives us health and well-being. health and well-being is really healthy well-being āl ñanna lekū rājōl rā mērji ma setenne mīsien cī; āl ñ- anna lekū rājōl rā mērji ma s- etenne mīsien cī CLMOD R AFF N.1P LOC PREP N.AN.CO PN.REL R AFF N.AN.PL HORT now NI 1PC.INCL.A hand top to deity one SE 3PC.SRC;1PC.INCL.BEN child HORT Now let's lift our hands to the gods that give us children. sanna jasāla ien jaþīña ja senne to anrēha rā ancāna; s- anna jasāla ien jaþīña ja s- enne to anrēha rā ancāna R AFF N.SG PN.REL N.SG PN.REL R AFF CASE N.ST PREP N.ST SE 1PC.INCL.SRC song that path that SE 1PC.INCL.BEN SRC future to love We sing the song that is the path to love that the future gives us. semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma; s- emme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma R AFF CASE N.AN.SG CASE N.AN.SG SE 3SG.SRC;3SG.BEN love AN.SRC woman BEN man The woman gives love to the man. semme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna; s- emme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna R AFF CASE N.AN.SG CASE N.AN.SG SE 3SG.SRC;3SG.BEN love AN.SRC man BEN woman The man gives love to the woman. sennete jālneha il jaliþa il lānnāl tēna ī; s- ennete jālneha il jaliþa il lānnāl tēna ī R AFF N.SG IL N.SG IL N.DEF POST CLMOD SE 1PC.INCL.SRC;3PC.BEN good fortune while today while tomorrow each also We give them good fortune today and all tomorrows also. ñi þō jēhe cī; ñi þō jēhe cī R PN N.SG HORT NI this truth HORT Let this be truth.
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