1. now, right now, at present now207
il aþ ñamma anrāki rājanō il ñamma jatōna jaxōsa āl il pa ma anrañāca nā il jalōna;And then, he walked onwards, now searching for the road, with greater urgency as the day continued.
ē ñi sapāla luhañen aþ temme jakekōrja ke mēla matūttōnte sū mīþi hāl ien ē se jawēra sarāpa mo jamāonre þō ī ōrra ñi makerāon manōña il jahōλen ī hēja ñatta sāen makerāon āl cī ī hēja ñi sāen rā jamāonre mē cī aþ ilwae ñi sāen manōña rēha;Still he was weeping, and one with authority, in front of the rest, explained to him that this city was named sarāpa and that the king had been dead a long time and now they would make him the king and that he should come into the city and then never would he die.
ē ñi sāim rū sāen āñ aþ tetme ien āl ñi jakāenala jāllōhen sū jamāonre jaþāwa jīþa;And they gathered around him and told him that his ceremony feast was now being made in another part of the city.
tema jaxiēna ien ñamma jacērja āl;He knew what he was choosing.
ē ñi jēwār ē jaxēla ē jaxēla ī ē ñi sāen matāra āl;The lake became dark and dark again as he fell.
sele jalōþen ien āl sele jekīþa ien ñi jajēri jahīji þō lā;I am shocked to now know that games of chance are happening here!
ñalla jacērja ja āl ñalla jāo ja wā ñalla jāo il anniþen;I've decided that now I make done what I did not make done before.
āl ñanna lekū rājōl rā mērji ma setenne mīsien cī;Now let's lift our hands to the gods that give us children.
samma ke makīþa mīña ien sele jālne; sele jatēla āl;The little rock said, "I am happy. I am educated now."