1. a path path319
te janaren ja temle ien illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō tō te jāo ewaþ tema jawōla to jaþīña illaniþ tema ien ñi sāen marō il tema jekīþa ien ē rēha la jalōna wījte jē nā rū xō rā annāmmi hi ñamma jatōna japōññe;All he said to me: when first he perceived he was lost, because that it was even though he doubted his path, when first he perceived he was lost, he was certain that there were only three days from there to fresh water, if he found the road.
wā tema jawāxten illaniþ tō tema jekīþa to ja taxien la jatōna sū sahūta pa anōmen jarāŋŋi ŋō tō jāo hi ñi jarēþa rā jaþīña jahēnār taxien hi ñi jatōna japōññe il anniþen il antielen;He did not feel vulnerable at first, because he was certain the road was to his right more or less, and also a great many miles of length, so that if he travelled in more or less the right direction, he would find the road sooner or later.
ñatta jacēha ja ñatta sāen rā jaþīña nō rā jatēwa jōmen nīkan jacūteni jalōi sū jēwār kiē sū ankōnōri anlūñi tā;They tried to make him go along a path to a long table with shining cups at the far side of the lake under the gleaming towers.
telme jakēña mo makīþa matēnnā ien tō wā terle jasōra xiēn jē jaþīña tōkēñ;I asked the talking rock, "Why didn't you say something about the path?"
sanna jasāla ien jaþīña ja senne to anrēha rā ancāna;We sing the song that is the path to love that the future gives us.