1. equates two objects: as, like, same =127
ē teteñ ien hēja ñanna jacālmi jajūti nā aþ te sāim nīkan jacālmi ñe jakīþi aþ te sāim nīkan ancēwri ñe anhērmi;And they said to each other: We should bake many bricks; and then they had bricks as stone and they had mud as mortar.
temle ien te anāxkīñi anjūti nīkan jakīþīñi jakepōli jē sōta ñe anwūlīñi ñe ōrra ñi jakōni jatāri nā rā xō rū jasōþa ōl pēxa ānen anþīmme;He told me there was baked ground with scattered little rocks instead of sand, as if were much gravel thrown to there from a place far above.
te jamāēþi jañīñi jajāēli jakepōli ñe jañāñeni pē ī;There were a few scattered tufts of dwarfed bushes growing also.
temle jaþēma ien la jasāma nāra ñe jamāxxānwe ē pa jakōni ī pa anλāon nāpie ī pa jaxūna wā;He described to me that the whole desert was like a vast expanse of gravel, and too much width, and no pattern.
il jalōna wīor il antielen ōrra ñamma jarēþa ānen jatōna ja ñi japōññe wā nīkan anhāri ja ñi ankewōri ī il tema jamīra ñe ñamma sanārme jaþāla ā masāma sakū;After he had travelled for four days without the road becoming found and with the water becoming used up also then he felt a sudden fear as if the desert came to him and took hold of him with its hand.
sū jēwāri āñ la jamāonre nīkan ankōnōri anlūŋŋiþi anrāēli nīkan antāñi ē ansīwa ñe anlōki il jaraxēwa ī jaxōññāoni jalōnni jatēñi;Among the lakes was a city with towers of white marble with flushes of pink like sunlight at twilight and also thin veins of gold.
ē tema jāŋŋeren to jamāonre jalū sū jēwāri āñ ānen anlūi rū jasōþa wā mo sanārme ien ñe wā tema to anlūani to anexīmi to anxōni to ankīri mo sanārme aþ ñi sapāla sū anxūri hāl sū jēwāri nū;The beauty from the city shining among the lakes with light from nowhere affected him like neither the stars nor music nor memory nor family had affected him and he wept in front of the gates beside the lakes.
te macēna mahēna anīλīkimma antanīsi ānen anāste ñe marōāñēl;There was an old woman with clothes decorated with black things like an oracle.
tetme jatēmmēri ñe anexīmi ke sarāpa mēli manaren ien ñi anwīþþēñi tō ankērrāoni il jānnaxili sū jamārwi jalōi jīþi rā malō nō nā;They called to him like music, all the people of Sarāpa, telling him of wines made from magic during the evenings on other shining worlds nearer to the sun.
ī tele jaxiēna ien se jatāten ñe anrā anēspe mo jañiwēλa jalāmena sū jecāora jajūna to jalāīke jawūxxēta sū jakīnte jāña tā;I also knew that a magnetic device centred in the floor beneath issued its command to a cylinder hidden in the heart of the sphere, thus assuring continual motion.
la jacēla ñe janēla;The bowl is the red thing.
la jarāka jañēnāe ñe antiēl;[My] favorite color is antiēl.
la anwīþþēñi ñe anhēŋŋūn anejēxa;Wine is the opposite of thirst.
tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;Because of all people each one is an equal thread in society's cloth, and because we each of us have soul and identity, therefore we should give each of us the one to the other personhood's courtesies like those that are given to one's weft-kin and to their weft-kin.
la sahēññe jāste ñe anīstīli;His hair was as dark as night.
la þō ñe jatārharrien jaþāe;This is a lying-down waterfall.
la anxēie ñe mamōīñ maketāλen ma ē ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen wā ē wā ñi rā sāeþ ma sexe jakīñen lā;Sleep is a mischievous boy who goes to those who do not desire it and does not go to those who desire it.
samma japēlti mo jaxēxi ja ē ñi jarewēλi ī ñi jahūwi ī ñi jasēþa ñe jawēlrienāl rū jatāsa λi xēþa āñ;It was barking at the plumes of smoke which were twisting and breaking and making a knot like a piece of interlace around the Iron market-square.
sū jatāsa la jatēwa jaλāona jarōllōl ja sūjōl la macēna maranīsa masērre saŋē ē jawūña ē jāŋŋeren sawēλa jatāña janēūñ ñe anmāe;In the square was a broad, snow-covered table on which stood a well-dressed woman, her face disdainful and beautiful, her cheeks flushed rose like tea.
temme ien la rixōλa ñe jajāra;He said to her: your beauty is like a dance.
la rirōña ñe mamōra mīña;Your eyes are like small moons.
ē tema jāo mo macēna sasāra ī temme jamārienni ien la lerōña ñe mamōra mīña kēñ;The woman heard this and she laughed at him: My eyes are like small moons?
ānen sarōña janāola ñi jaxīra ñe ankālli ankālleni anūmi nā;With his eyes aflame, making a noise like very loud bubbles bursting.
la jaxūnīke ñe jahōhhe ānen ancōi wā;The plan is like a meal cooked without salt.