Sentence #122

Zoŋi ŋandanen uduriza sara, koronda ŋandas saruno iride hareye.

zoŋi ŋandanen uduriza sara koronda ŋandas saruno iride hareye

{ zo=ŋi} { ŋanda=nen} { uduri=za} { sa=ra} { koro=nda} { ŋanda=s} { sa=runu} { iride} { ha=ra=yi}

{ SGin=MOVE} { wing=COM} { air=PATH} { 3SG.RA=GO} { boy=SRC} { wing=LOC} { 3SG.RA=eye} { backwards} { 3SG.IN=GO=CONT}

With moving wings he went through the air, his eyes looking back at the boy's wings.

This sentence is part of Dedaloza Tani.


Embedded Clauses, Relative Clauses, and Nominalized Clauses are italicized.
Motion Particle Phrases are bolded.