1. the state of standing upright; the state of being vertical standing966
la sāen masērre xō;She is standing there.
il ñamma jacēha ja ñi sāen rā jakērþe ōl nō ā macūma il ñi jakērþe jasērre tō jōrwe ēnne;The man attempted to get up on the horse when the horse stood up on two legs
la sāen mīsse il la masērre ewaþ la sāen masīña il la maþāe lā;He's short while standing, but he's tall while lying down!
sū jatāsa la jatēwa jaλāona jarōllōl ja sūjōl la macēna maranīsa masērre saŋē ē jawūña ē jāŋŋeren sawēλa jatāña janēūñ ñe anmāe;In the square was a broad, snow-covered table on which stood a well-dressed woman, her face disdainful and beautiful, her cheeks flushed rose like tea.