1. with sū: at the back of NP, behind the NP back792
semme ke makīþa mōna to makīþa mīña ien sele jakēnnā to ja la sū jalāe īr jakēñ;The big rock said to the little rock, "I am curious what is behind the mountain.
semme jerrasōr ke mīña ien senne jatēpa to wā senne jekīþa ilwae ien la sū jalāe īr;The little one replied, "We are lacking from never knowing from experience what is behind the mountain."
2. with rā: to the back of NP back792
ē cēja ñi liēnne rā jalāe īr ī selne janahan sū āke mo lerōña;We two can go behind the mountain and see whatever is yonder."
ñi mārjanen jē mētūmi ānen antū rā jalāe īr ānen antānre ŋō;The Grandmother of the ētūma went flying to behind the mountain with great speed.
samma ke makīþa mōna ien sele jatēpa nā to wā ñi liēn rā jalāe īr;The big rock said, "I am so lacking from not having gone behind the mountain."
samma ke makīþa mōna ien sele jatēpa wā to wā ñi liēn rā jalāe īr;The big rock said, "I am not lacking from not having gone behind the mountain."
3. with rū: away from the back of NP back792