
nā [QUANT]
- Example Sentences:
temle ien pa jatōna anhēkēl nā;
He said to me: the road was well made.sema jasēlni nā to jamāonre mo marēþa;
The city has many sights for the jamīki nā sū þō jamāonre mē;
There are many bridges in this þō jekiēn japāci jawāññīwi nā;
This land has many unfamiliar animals.ñi þō jakīþa tō jakīþi jīþi nā;
This rock is made from many other rocks.tele jalāxīki nā il jarēþa;
I saw many buildings while traveling.wa majjārien pa anākexa nā;
It is not that the dancers have lots of jaþēma ien pa jāo anwāra nā;
It seems that it is very þō nāra pa anwāññe nā;
There's something very familiar about all this.-
- Stems for this form: