1. a comparative conjunction: more than more than248
wā temle janahan nā ñe jāo;He did not say to me more than this.
il ñi sāen marēwa il ē tema jahēŋŋūn nā ñe jatarōñ ja tema ōrra aþ tema jaxiēna ien ñamma jatōna japōññe anniþen hēja cī;When he awoke, he was thirstier that he had foreseen and understood that he must immediately find the road.
ē te sarōña pa ansōnen nā ñe sasōna ē il tema anhāri il ñi sāen rājanō;His eyes had more wisdom than his mind and when water was seen, he went to it.
te jalū jalō nā ñe malō;The light was brighter than the sun.
la anūña jarāka jaxōλa nā ñe anēkke;Blue is a prettier color than brown.
la antīel jarāka jaxōλa nā ñe janaren;Purple is the prettiest color of all.
ewaþ ñaxxa jajāra jaxālāe jatēnnen nā ñe janaren;Yet they make the most graceful and harmonious dance of all.