1. at the bottom (of it), underneath (it) bottom796
temme ē jaþēλi ien jakā ānen ansāorīki ien jaxūna ānen anrūēli ī xiēn jē jāxīsse jīlke ī jāo ja la sūjatā ē jāo sūjōl ien jiēxa ānen jasēsi ī jōrrisi ē jatatēn ien ñi jīlkena cē jaþārre ōrra ē jawāññerāñi jīþi nā ī;He taught the usage of consonants, the pattern of vowels, and concerning the writing line and that which is above and that below; the usefulness of dots and end-marks, and explained 'c' becoming leaning, and many other mysteries also.