1. a ripple in water, a wave wave336
tō jāo anniþen tema jēwāri anhāri nīkan antāoni nīkan anwūlīñi anlōi ē rūjāñ ew sūjīr mo sarōña;So that soon he saw the waters of the lakes with waves with the golden sands around it but not at back.
la liēn sū anālhāri anālri jahāwa ñi antāoni anhūwi rūjapēxa;I am at the edge of the stormy sea, and the breaking waves retreat away.
la jāo pa anhē ja ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;This is a good thing, the wild waves retreat away.
ñi nāra lemōra ñi antāoni antāλi rūjapēxa;All my dreams become the wild waves retreat away.