1. sand sand333
temle ien te anāxkīñi anjūti nīkan jakīþīñi jakepōli jē sōta ñe anwūlīñi ñe ōrra ñi jakōni jatāri nā rā xō rū jasōþa ōl pēxa ānen anþīmme;He told me there was baked ground with scattered little rocks instead of sand, as if were much gravel thrown to there from a place far above.
tō jāo anniþen tema jēwāri anhāri nīkan antāoni nīkan anwūlīñi anlōi ē rūjāñ ew sūjīr mo sarōña;So that soon he saw the waters of the lakes with waves with the golden sands around it but not at back.