Motion Particles
There are twelve particles that attach to the end of the noun phrase in motion to convey the type of motion and type of noun.
TOUCH or ka marks motion with impact or touching. When used with =za it can convey physical possession.
BY or ki marks motion passing by a location or leaving behind a location. This can also negate the possession use of ka.
UP or lo is GO with reference to the ground. In addition, UP can convey MORE of an attribute. or the increase in a non-physical noun (like darkness).
INTO or me marks inward motion, usually by light, sound, air, water, fire, or some sort of mass substance. It is also used for things that are being created.
COME or no is the equivalent of GO, but the motion is towards from the speaker or the deictic center of the clause. The deictic center is the argument with the highest animacy. COME is often used to express the metaphorical motion of an object to one’s eye or a sound to one’s ear.
FAIL or pe marks a failure to move in a direction or to achieve a destination. This negates most of the other motion particles, at least in some contexts.
GO or ra marks motion along a path or in a single direction, to or from a location. Motion is away from the speaker or the deictic center of the clause. The deictic center is the argument with the highest animacy.
STAY or se marks non-motion, remaining in place. It is used to mark identity, attribution, and location of inanimate nouns.
DOWN or ta is GO with reference to the ground. In addition, DOWN can convey LESS of an attribute. or the decrease in a non-physical noun (like darkness).
OUT or vi marks outwards motion, usually by light, sound, air, water, fire, or some sort of mass substance.
NOT or vu negates se.
MOVE or ŋi marks motion in place, or internal motion (moving one’s limbs, breathing, etc.). It is also used to mark identity, attribution, and location of an animate nouns.