- Example Sentences:
tō jāo temme jalerāen ien la malō pa antāken anānexa ke mūrāna masīrien;
So, the north wind admitted that the sun had the most strength.
ē ñi sapāla luhañen aþ temme jakekōrja ke mēla matūttōnte sū mīþi hāl ien ē se jawēra sarāpa mo jamāonre þō ī ōrra ñi makerāon manōña il jahōλen ī hēja ñatta sāen makerāon āl cī ī hēja ñi sāen rā jamāonre mē cī aþ ilwae ñi sāen manōña rēha;
Still he was weeping, and one with authority, in front of the rest, explained to him that this city was named sarāpa and that the king had been dead a long time and now they would make him the king and that he should come into the city and then never would he die.
temme ke marōāñēl ien rēha ñarra jahēña tō anwīþþēñi anmārwakiji il jāllōhen cī;
And the oracle told him he would drink wondrous wines at the feast.
tetme jatēmmēri ñe anexīmi ke sarāpa mēli manaren ien ñi anwīþþēñi tō ankērrāoni il jānnaxili sū jamārwi jalōi jīþi rā malō nō nā;
They called to him like music, all the people of Sarāpa, telling him of wines made from magic during the evenings on other shining worlds nearer to the sun.
temme ke marōāñēl ien ñarra jahēña janahan tō jatarūna jawēha anhāri wē;
Do not drink any of the mirage water, said the oracle.
ē temme jatasēña ke macēna sakū ī tetme jatēmmēri ewaþ ñi sāen rā anhāri anālnehi tō tūaþ ñamma sāen sawūra jarēŋŋe;
The woman signed him warning and the people called to him, yet he went to the fortunate water in order to wet his mouth.
ē temme jarūlōn ān mo sasāra ke marōāñēl ī tetme japāla mo sasāra ke mēli;
He heard one shout from the oracle and he heard the people wail.
wā sexme sawēra jīþa janahan ke sāeþ;
Among them he does not have another name.
temme antēnni pē ke masōwa mo mamōīñ;
The father gave some money to the son.
temle ke makīþa matēnnā ien jalā la liēn makīþa matēnnā;
The talking rock said to me: "Yes I am a talking rock."
tō la mēli manaren tēna ñe anhēnārīki anīλi jañāona jañēie tō pa ñēim tēna ē lenārre ē lewēren tō jāo hēja senneñ anēla anciēri ke mān mo mīþa ien sexe mo maþūskīri mo sāim maþūskīriēma cī;
Because of all people each one is an equal thread in society's cloth, and because we each of us have soul and identity, therefore we should give each of us the one to the other personhood's courtesies like those that are given to one's weft-kin and to their weft-kin.
sanna jasāla jīsōra ke þō lisōra;
We repeat the song with these words.
semme jacāna ke macēna mo macūma;
The woman gives love to the man.
semme jacāna ke macūma mo macēna;
The man gives love to the woman.
temme ke λi tānre ien pa liēn ancē ja selre ien jasōra wījtē ja la riwēra;
Tānre said to her: I have the ability to tell you the three words of your name.
temme ke macēna ien serle jāo kā;
The woman said: Tell it to me!
ñamma jōrre ewaþ luhañen temme ke λi tānre ien sere jatañēn ien jāo kēñ;
She stopped but Tānre continued to say to her: you like this?
semme ke mawēsa ien ñi macāppacāe maλāta kēñ; ñi riēn rā þō lelōmme cī;
Uncle says to him: cāppacāe is killed? You come here to my arms.
samma ke mamārienne mānte ien hāle hāleie ñi jamārwakie jalōna þō;
Joyful and laughing he says hāle hāleie this is a wondrous day.
la makīþa ēnne sū jalāe jalāora ānen anñinēka antēpa;
The two rocks were on the mountain side with a lack of anticipation of the future.
semme ke makīþa mōna to makīþa mīña ien sele jakēnnā to ja la sū jalāe īr jakēñ;
The big rock said to the little rock, "I am curious what is behind the mountain.
semme jerrasōr ke mīña ien wā senne jekīþa ilwae;
The little one replied, "We will never know from experience."
semete ke mārjanen jē mētūmi to makīþa ēnne ien la riēnne sū þō ānen anñinēka antēpa kēñ;
The Grandmother of the ētūma said to the two rocks, "You two are here with a lack of anticipation of the future?"
semme jerrasōr ke mīña ien senne jatēpa to wā senne jekīþa ilwae ien la sū jalāe īr;
The little one replied, "We are lacking from never knowing from experience what is behind the mountain."
semete ke mārjanen jē mētūmi ien wā serne jatēpa to jāo;
The Grandmother of the ētūma said, "Do not be lacking because of this.
samma ke makīþa mōna ien sele jatēpa nā to wā ñi liēn rā jalāe īr;
The big rock said, "I am so lacking from not having gone behind the mountain."
samma ke makīþa mīña ien wā sele jekīþa ilwae; sele jatēpa ŋō;
The little rock said, "I will never know from experience. I am so very much lacking."
samma ke makīþa mōna ien sele jatēpa wā to wā ñi liēn rā jalāe īr;
The big rock said, "I am not lacking from not having gone behind the mountain."
samma ke makīþa mīña ien sele jālne; sele jatēla āl;
The little rock said, "I am happy. I am educated now."
semme ke mārja ien ñi rimēλa rā liēn nō kā;
The ārja said to her, "Young one, come here to me.
semme jerrasōr ke macēna ien λi mārjahēna ñi liēn rā þō tō tūaþ ñi anānīke jē jērān ja la sū anālhāri nū tō sema antēleni;
The woman answered, "O ārja, I've come here in order to join the guild that is by the sea, to learn."
semme jerrasōr ke mārja ien la jawasōnen alxien lā;
The ārja answered, "What a surprisingly ignorant thing!
semme ke mapāra ien ñarra jañānen jē mārja kēñ;
The aunt said, "Did you meet with the ārja?"
samma ke mawēsa ien jawā;
The uncle said, "No,
semme ke mapāra ien wa jāo pa anehē;
The aunt said, "That is not true.
semete ke macēna ien ñalla jañānen jaliþa jē mārja tēna makēñ;
The woman said, "I met today with which ārja?"