1. 140, one hundred forty (octal); 96, ninety-six (decimal) 14043
2. very many, very much, most very many43
wā tema jawāxten illaniþ tō tema jekīþa to ja taxien la jatōna sū sahūta pa anōmen jarāŋŋi ŋō tō jāo hi ñi jarēþa rā jaþīña jahēnār taxien hi ñi jatōna japōññe il anniþen il antielen;He did not feel vulnerable at first, because he was certain the road was to his right more or less, and also a great many miles of length, so that if he travelled in more or less the right direction, he would find the road sooner or later.
āniþ ēnne; āniþ ēnne; ñamma jatāŋŋi ŋō tō jēste jarūsīsse rā ma kiē;One two. One two. The back and forth knife made many piercings through him.
ñi mārjanen jē mētūmi ānen antū rā jalāe īr ānen antānre ŋō;The Grandmother of the ētūma went flying to behind the mountain with great speed.
samma ke makīþa mīña ien wā sele jekīþa ilwae; sele jatēpa ŋō;The little rock said, "I will never know from experience. I am so very much lacking."
semete ien sele ē jasūpperi ŋō mo lerōña ē jamāēþi jakūrji sū jarēña jahāwa ē jūskemāni jahēhūñi nā;She said to them, "I saw very many sūppera and thorny bushes on the river's edge and many delicious ūskemāna."