Sentence #125
Samas siŋi udures saloziza kuŋino, sovonda tononda runurunu sara.
samas siŋi udures saloziza kuŋino sovonda tononda runurunu sara
{ sama=s} { } { =} { ===za} { kuŋi=no} { sovo=nda} { tono=nda} { runurunu} { sa=ra}
{ 3SG.RA=LOC} { } { = } { = = =PATH} { desire=COME} { father=SRC} { path=SRC} { forgetting} { 3SG.RA=GO}
He desired to go higher in the air, and he forgot the father's path.
This sentence is part of Dedaloza Tani.
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Motion Particle Phrases are bolded.