Luwodo Wudune (About the Luwodo)


Luwodo medepe gimi goso noye-nomeminu. Jodo luwodo doŋi kunonominu, dadami doŋine. Gumugumu todu tene kibi sata jodo. Kidi doŋine kibi sata todu deŋiminu, todu kaŋŋi-wominu. Dami xotoyide taba xodu, gada nodu xososu. Xososu caba budu deŋiminu, jodo doŋi tene deyeminu bududu, degguminu lece xexene. Yedena kaddewa ŋene luwodo yana mede dello-kaŋŋi xexepe.


We make baskets from the luwodo tree. We bring the luwodo seeds, we travel with them. The thick skin of the seeds is hard/tough. We scratch the skin with stones but we do not pierce it. Then we find another low area where water can gather after rain. There we dig holes and put the seeds into the holes and cover them with dirt. Spirits willing, more luwodo plants sprout from the ground.


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