Kidi Sewanu (The Talking Rock)
From the LCC2 relay.
Lono wososu gadagaba geline no-sedelale, dape-seppeboce kidi se-dullowa doŋisu. Kidi sewa doŋimo kuwu-dellolalemo. Selalemo: “Hu! Kidi sewanu tenedi?” Se-dapeladace: “la! kidi sewanu tenele.” Selalemo, “Se-dullodi. se-wodice, da-seppe demele ŋawadu” Se-dapeladace, “Kidi sewa basabasanu tene tellole.” Basa-canno noyelace sodopa kidi sewa wudupe. Casale goso kujela. Gadagada casodu kuppe-kuttalalemo. Wusutepe kidi sewanumo dunno-dape-wolemo.
That day, I was going along the beach, (when) I tripped on a rock that could talk. I picked up the talking rock. I said to it, “Hey! Are you a talking rock?” The talking rock replied, “Yes, I am a talking rock.” I said to it, “You can talk. You did not say to me, I should avoid you.” It replied, “I must be a mean talking rock.” The words of the talking rock made me feel bad. My belly twisted. I threw it into the ocean. I never saw the talking rock again.