Sentence #45
Setosamo, “Cala nolo nome dullodice nolekopadi luwusu?”
- se
- say
- -to
- =sa
- =that.3A
- =mo
- =this.3O
- cala
- warm
- nolo
- increase
- nome
- dullo
- -∅
- -NP
- =di
- =2SG.A
- =ce
- =1SG.O
- noleko
- campfire
- =pa
- =di
- =2SG.A
- luwusu
- light+at
He said, “Will you allow me to become warm at your campfire?”
This sentence is part of Setowa Wudu Nuwu Ŋedane (The Story of Nuwu).
Subject Phrases (A, S, CS) are double underlined.
Object Phrases (O, CC) are single underlined.
Peripheral Phrases are dashed.
Verb Phrases are unmarked.
Clauses are set off by vertical lines.