Sentence #20
Jede kadde sedetosana yisenasana.
- jede
- game
- kadde
- act
- sede
- -to
- =sana
- =that+PL.3A
- yisena
- child+PL
- =sana
- =that+PL.3A
The children were playing.
Jede is a class 4 noun acting as the means via which the subject kaddes or 'acts'. It is thus part of the verb phrase.
This sentence is part of Peyada, Cisena Taboni Yisena (Coyote and Cottontail’s Children).
Subject Phrases (A, S, CS) are double underlined.
Object Phrases (O, CC) are single underlined.
Peripheral Phrases are dashed.
Verb Phrases are unmarked.
Clauses are set off by vertical lines.