Sentence #102
Laca yeleyo dunnotodanayo degewayo mede banosu.
- laca
- daughter
- yele
- person
- =yo
- =yon.3O
- dunno
- see
- -to
- =dana
- =this+PL.3A
- =yo
- =yon.3O
- degewa
- lying down
- =yo
- =yon.3O
- mede
- tree
- banosu
- under+at
They saw a young woman lying under a tree.
This sentence is part of Setowa Wudu Yekeke Wudunu Lohono (The South Wind and the Sun).
Subject Phrases (A, S, CS) are double underlined.
Object Phrases (O, CC) are single underlined.
Peripheral Phrases are dashed.
Verb Phrases are unmarked.
Clauses are set off by vertical lines.