Sentence #25

Sama ŋono seleve, sama ŋono kalave, mede banas dahidahi keneŋiyi baŋibaŋi.

sama ŋono seleve sama ŋono kalave mede banas dahidahi keneŋiyi baŋibaŋi

{ sama} { ŋono} { sele=vi} { sama} { ŋono} { kala=vi} { mede} { bana=s} { dahidahi} { kene=ŋi=yi} { baŋibaŋi}

{ 3SG.RA} { more} { light=OUT} { 3SG.RA} { more} { warmth=OUT} { tree} { foot=LOC} { lying.down} { woman=MOVE=CONT} { unexpectedly}

They emitted more light, they emitted more heat, and still the woman was lying down under the tree.

This sentence is part of Elekenda Uri, Loho.


Embedded Clauses, Relative Clauses, and Nominalized Clauses are italicized.
Motion Particle Phrases are bolded.