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Between youth and adulthood, Kēleni become wanderers (marāoni). They leave their homes and go see something of the world, often learning and teaching one or more of the four arts (ansāla storytelling and music, antēnnara dance and motion, anālte healing and touch, and ankeīlke visual design). While wandering, many use a method of divination to determine what to do next.

This method, called antāλōþa, involves generating a four by four square. The most traditional way to generate this square is to use a group of 96 or so ātaren fruit seeds. Divide these by sight into four approximately equal piles. Then, take two seeds away from each pile. Repeat this step until only one or two seeds are left in each pile. Using 2 as dark and 1 as light, fill in the last column. Then repeat this procedure to find the next column to the left, et cetera, until all four columns are filled. A more modern method is to take 4 discs, dark on one side, light on the other, and flip them. Take the results from top to bottom. Then repeat three times moving leftward each time. This is the mother seed.

From the four-column mother seed, a daughter seed of eight columns can also be generated. This is done by first adding the bottom two rows of the mother to make the first column of the daughter. The third column comes from adding the first two rows of the mother. The fifth column comes from adding the first two columns of the mother, and the seventh from adding the last two columns of the mother. The second and the sixth columns come from adding the two adjacent daughter columns together. Those two columns then are added together to make the fourth column in the daughter seed. Finally the eighth column is made from adding the fourth column of the daughter seed to the fourth column of the mother seed.


A simple question for antāλōþa is which direction to travel. The current configuration says rātārie or to the North-west. It also suggests that anālte would be a good art to study for the next two jālūi.

Last modified: June 07, 2019