Right now on Earth, it's Saturday, March 29, 2025, 12:06:05 Greenwich Mean Time. On the Kēlen planet of Tērjemār, it is:
jaliþa la ē jaxāel ī anhōλi 10 ī anūsri 1 ī anūsīñi 3 ī anīlīñi 57 ē anlōni 30 il antielen ñi anrūni 7 ā mamōrīñ āe anlōni 27 il antielen ñi anrūni 12 ā masīste āe anlōni 5 il antielen ñi anrūni 16 ā masēllō il antielen ñi anrūsi 1713 ā malūāne jamōlemae sū-kēie; *
la ē jaxāel 10-1-3-57 ē 30 jē mamōrīñ 7 āe 27 jē masīste 12 āe 5 jē masēllō 16 il antielen anrūsi 1713; *
which translates to:
Today is the nighttime, anhōλi 8 and anūsri 1 and anūsīñi 3 and anīlīñi 47 on the 24th day after the re-appearance of the 7th moon Mōrīñ, the 23rd day after the re-appearance of the 10th moon Sīste, the 5th day after the re-appearance of the 14th moon Sēllō, of the 971st return of the Womb of the Goddess Lūāne to the sky.
It's nighttime 8-1-3-47 of the 24th of Mōrīñ 7, the 23rd of Sīste 10, the 5th of Sēllō 14 in the year 971.
On Earth, where we would use Hours:Minutes:Seconds, the Kēleñi use jahōλi-jūsri-jūsīñi-jīlīñi. Starting with the smallest measure, a jīlīñ is approximately equivalent to 1.5 Earth seconds. There are 64 jīlīñi in a jūsīñ, making 1 jūsīñ approximately equivalent to a minute and a half. There are 12 jūsīñi in a jūsre, making a jūsre approximately equivalent to twenty minutes, a convenient division of time. There are 8 jūsri in a jahōλa, making those approximately equivalent to two and a half hours. There are 12 jahōλi in a day of approximately 31 hours, which starts at sunrise. Since Tērjemār has little axial tilt, the day is always more or less 6 jahōλi of light and 6 of night.
There are 498.22 jalōni (days) in a jīstū (year), giving four years of 498 days and a leap year of 499 days every fifth year.
Tērjemār has four moons: Lōīñ, Sēllō, Sīste, and Mōrīñ. Lōīñ is new approximately every 16 days; Sēllō approximately every 23 days; Sīste approximately every 32 days; and Mōrīñ is new approximately every 47 days. Since Lōīñ is new so often, it is not used for telling the date, except that each new moon of Lōīñ marks the end of a jālū, the psychological equivalent of a week.
The problem of having a lunar cycle superimposed on a celestial cycle is solved by calling the last "month(s)" of the previous year the first month of the new year, without actually resetting the day count. Thus, one can have the 29th day of the first Mōrīñ on the 2nd day of the year.
* Footnote: Kēlen numbers are in Base 8. All others are in Base 10.
Last modified: June 07, 2019